Dilkhush Sheltered Workshop is a place where intellectually-Disabled adults develop and hone their skills and talents to produce and create various products. It started life as a vocational centre in 1975 but as the number of employees increased, it developed into a sheltered workshop by 1981. Today the workshop includes 50 adults.
The aim of the workshop is to offer adults (including graduates of the school) a sheltered atmosphere to learn skills, explore, develop and channel talents into practical tasks and also provide a livelihood option.
Initially, the workshop focused on wood work to produce educational aids and decorative household articles. However, as the number of individuals increased, the scope of the workshop was expanded to include other skills. As of now, the workshop has four sections: wood work, arts & crafts, home science and needle work. Today, the workshop produces articles for sale and also takes orders.
Dilkhush Sheltered Workshop’s work is based on the following principles:
1. To provide space and facilities where skills and talents of intellectually-Disabled adults can be explored and honed in an effort to make them productive members of society.
2. To provide gainful occupation to intellectually-Disabled adults through guidance and care.
3. To be self supportive from the proceeds of the sale of articles produced in the workshop.