Dilkhush Teachers’ Training Centre (Dilkhush TTC) was started in 1971 along with the school, with the specific purpose of giving quality training to individuals who are interested in teaching individuals with intellectual Disabilities. It is one of the pioneering institutions in the field of special education and its alumni are working in institutions in different parts of India and abroad. The central aim of the TTC has not changed and remains to provide training and develop skills in individuals who work with persons with Intellectual and associated disabilities.
Currently, Dilkhush TTC offers a two-year Diploma in Special Education in Intellectual Disability and Associated Disabilities. It is a full time course, aimed at rehabilitating persons with intellectual Disabilities in the context of their age, degree of severity, family background, socio-economic settings and cultural factors. The course is recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). All individuals who complete this course should get themselves registered with RCI, which maintains a register of professionals working in the field of rehabilitation of persons with intellectual Disabilities. The graduates of this programme are known to work as Special Educators in Special schools, as Remedial Teachers in other schools, as shadow teachers and as teachers in primary schools.
Dilkhush TTC’s programmes are based on the following principles
1. Provide training that allows an understanding of Mental Retardation, Associated Disabilities, Autism and Cerebral Palsy, multiple disabilities and conduct an educational assessment.
2. Generate and synthesise knowledge on pedagogical approaches, human growth, development and the challenges of learning and motivation.
3. Provide training to various concepts, principles, approaches and skills of curriculum planning.
4. Devise instructional and class room management strategies, behaviour management techniques and appropriate methods of teaching curricular, co-curricular and prevocational skills.
5. Incorporate activities in the classroom to enhance speech and language skills, motor and sensory skills through different pedagogical exercises and programmes.
6. Provide support and learning opportunities for families and associated members of society to participate in the overall education of individuals with intellectual challenges.
For more information about the course, please see details at:http://www.rehabcouncil.nic.in/writereaddata/dsemr.pdf

to help transform education among the learners in a way that helps in reinforcing a skill or a concept, differentiating instruction, and relieving anxiety or boredom by excitingly presenting the information. The objective was not only to enhance creativity and presentation among the students but also to realize the importance of recycling and using waste that is available to them efficiently. The participants had a wonderful time.
Dilkhush Teacher’s Training Centre organizes a 2 days Online International Seminar on “Innovative Practices supporting Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities” on 18th & 19th June 2021. Accredited by the Rehabilitation Council of India.