July 17th, 2021 was the 50 years of the Foundation of Dilkhush Special School. We are very grateful and remembered our beloved first Founder Handmaids: Sr. Maria Dolores Tena, Sr. Celia Garcia, Sr. Maria Josefa Queralt, and Sr. Catherine Hanley, for their zeal and dedication, their care, and commitment in nurturing Dilkhush. It was their implicit trust in God, that made this possible. It was their implicit trust in God, that made this possible…they heeded the calling of the Foundress of the congregation to love and serve God in everyone and in everything. St.Rapheala Mary says,” it is Jesus alone that I love and trust forever. He loves me as the apple of His eye: He knows what he is doing with me, and I trust in Him”.
We had a thanksgiving Eucharist Celebrated by Fr.Sandeep Borges who made the celebration very meaningful and solemn. During the Eucharistic Celebration, we gave thanks for the past 50 years and invoked the blessings of The Almighty, to keep all of us in His care, during this academic year, and to help us achieve and inspire, despite the many challenges faced due to the pandemic.